multi.trudi Tokyo2002 - research lectures music walking courses
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  research, music, lectures, walking courses
see also Tokyo 2001 + Tokyo 2003 + Tokyo 2004

Tokyo 2002 (6.11. - 20.11. 2002)

Can't get Tokyo out of my mind. Had to return there after the last journey in autumn 2001.

This time I did more public projects than the last time.
Some of the highlights were:

a turntable performance at the Instreams5 event at Uplink Factory, Shibuya.

a lecture on alternative artspaces in Frankfurt and Offenbach at FADs artspace, Kunitachi.

Among my other aims was to extend my knowledge of the city. The last time already in 2001 I found the guts to take the suburb lines leaving at various points from the circular Yamanote line. Just getting off somewhere and having a look at what's happening there turned out to be very fascinating.
This time I made a journey to Hikifune.

See map with overview of Tokyo 2002

Stefan Beck in Tokyo (mosh mosh?)

We're in Tokyo, now. This means to be very busy, or at least pretend to be very busy.

Checking mobile phone (in Shinjuku)

Online 24h. Always checking the latest news.


The next journey is already planned. I'll be in Tokyo from Oct. 22nd till Nov. 4th 2003.

Concert at OFF SITE, Sat. 26 October 2003, 19:30 PM.
T. 03-3341-557 (Shinkuju, beneath DoCoMo Tower) see Off Site Docu

See some pictures

At Thing Gallery

© multi.trudi 2002/2003 - 15200 reads since 30.7. 2003