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trudi drinks

trudi drinks

multi.trudi favours japanese beverages and recommends sake(nihonshu, - japanese rice wine), of course.
In winter hot, in summer cold.

trudi drinks


As sake is always a pleasant experience, for the very best, ask - wherever you are - for the follwing two:

  • Kubota, from Niigata Prefecture
  • Kikusui, from Akita Prefecture

Sake Book

Cover Sake Handbook

While this page is going to be perfected have a look at the following sources:

Sake Handbook by John Gauntner.
Indispensable guide to the art of sake.

Yenbooks, Tokyo. ISBN 0-8048-2113-5

All terms of sake production explained. Sake listed and recommended by grade. Plus places where to find sake either in shops or in restaurants, - mostly Tokyo.

Sake Links

Sake delivery service (Japan and US only) with some good background on sake with monthly changing topics.

Sake World
John Gauntner's website. Here's a real expert talking.

This is a brewery's website, yet offering some information about sake and its production

Sakejapan or Japansake
Two japanese sources worth checkin out.

Well, maybe you're in Texas someday and want do drink Sake?


Sake Labels

Here are some Sake labels I found on a fleamarket in Kyoto:

Sakelabel Sakelabel
Sakelabel Sakelabel
© multi.trudi 2000

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